SBS world movie in my Baw Baw with Wynn, I watched two movies after a busy week. Quite easy plot, it’s about a little girl who is trying to buy a fat beautiful fish for new year and lost her money on the way, trying to get the money back and all the people she met, all the little things and normal people in daily life, cold and warmth
整体比第二季要好吧起码表现力强了很多娱乐爽感也基本够然后基本都是“现成的故事”桃色没有开太多的脑洞吧但是JIBARO故事的叙事表现力真的是很强节奏和故事的清晰陈述也是拉满了确实很棒而实际这个故事在我看来和前一个In Vaulted Halls Entombed实际上有一些设定上的异曲同工的地方关于引诱关于恐惧关于孤寂而个人觉得“最可爱”的可能是Night of the Mini Dead可笑与恐惧并行最后那个屁真的是无奈又无语:人类说真的是干得出来的虽然故事是“已知”但是被图像很好地呈现出来还是有很大的冲击性也让我想起《演唱者信息》母女石头对话的片段