as a documentary it's just ok. to the posed question of 'what happened' it seems that the director doesn't really have a good answer other than 'a lot happened'. but seeing Simone's Montreux 1976 performance of Stars is so much more powerful than just listening to it. all the suffering and struggle behind that facade - really hits differently
侯麦四季故事的第二部被东方伦理灌输着长大以致不断刷新三观所幸活在一个相对开放包容的时代接触的文化差异越是多越是能和而不同了/戏中戏的桥段非常出彩剧本结构与摄影风格跟前作一脉相承流畅不拘又赏心悦目;侯麦以一贯睿智深刻的文学关照在精心打磨的大篇幅对白里模拟探讨了真实生活中那些阴差阳错的爱情归宿胶囊旅馆只是影片里男与女彼此吸引又分开随心所欲到好像比吃饭睡觉还无所谓而结尾就那么意料之外情理之中(有点狗血)的喜相逢看得我一脸黑人问号末了恍然大悟——这根本是一部喜剧片啊// PS. 可见女人可以时而愚蠢时而冲动时而摇摆不定时而又理性决绝但务必要保持始终美丽